Tenacity | Community | Results

Why Two Roads?

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Why Two Roads CrossFit?

How are we different from other gyms in Carlisle? 

Your results are what drives us every day. We track and measure your progress to provide effective and efficient programming to help you achieve your goals. At Two Roads CrossFit in Carlisle, our priority is to help you reach your health and fitness goals.

We pride ourselves on the highest quality of coaching and promoting movement quality. We encourage our members to add intensity to their training only after they have mastered the basics of the weightlifting and gymnastics movements we practice.

Our gym is more than just a gym, we are a family that supports & encourages each other every day! We encourage you to check us out and sign up for your free trial class.  

Two Roads CrossFit Membership Benefits 

Our fitness facility in Carlisle, PA provides additional offerings such as running, mobility, nutrition coaching and weightlifting programs offered at different times throughout the year. 

Why did we decide to start Two Roads CrossFit? Find out more below from our founders! 



“I was introduced to CrossFit in 2010 soon after moving to Carlisle at a time when I was missing the camaraderie of both competitive sports and deployments with military units to far away places. The struggle of a hard fought WOD with a group of people who beat down the same challenges day after day together, filled that void. The community of CrossFit has become the “why” of why I do it and ultimately why I relished opening a box. Coming together with a group of people that have lived different pasts but all have the same future goal of getting healthier, and then seeing them fight everyday not only to make themselves better but to motivate and encourage each other to be better, is an uncommonly remarkable thing. I’ve seen people accomplish great things for themselves and have gained a tremendous amount myself through being a part of a CrossFit community.”


“My dad has been the hero of my life. To me, he defines hard work, the giving of ones self and compassion. It is from him that I have been able to experience the reward received from pushing myself beyond what I could have ever envisioned. I am the woman and mother that I am because I continue to pursue my greater self, or what maybe referred to as, the road less traveled. Becoming apart of Two Roads CrossFit is not something I expected but a few months into this journey I am already reaping the benefits of a hard working and passionate community. A community that understands what it takes to make choices that demands your all. I cannot wait to see what we continue to become.”


“Starting CrossFit with no athletic background is not easy. Moving to a new country is not easy. Starting your life from scratch is not easy. Opening a brand new gym is not easy. All of these choices were not easy to make, but ones I have made and have all been more rewarding than I ever expected. Every time I was faced with a decision, the choice was either to take the usual easy way or to start something new, intimidating and unknown. And every time, out of the two roads I had to choose from, I chose the tougher one and it always turned out to be exceptionally rewarding. I never expected CrossFit to completely change my life, but it did. I’m proud of what I’ve become and I am committed to helping our members become healthier, stronger and fitter. The Two Roads community means a lot to me, we all have chosen that path that seemed very intimidating and impossible at some point, but made us all healthier, stronger and happier. Which path will you choose?”

— Lera Beussink