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Success Stories

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Two Roads CrossFit Success Stories

We know there are many gyms in Carlisle and when deciding which one best suits your goals, a CrossFit gym might not be on top of your mind. We are here to tell you that CrossFit is for everyone and anyone with a desire to learn, grow, and work hard. 

If you are bored with the same fitness routine, can’t get enough exercise on your own, eager to lose weight, inches, gain strength and endurance, or you just want to lift the groceries or your kids with ease, give us a try!

Our coaches and members know how intimidating it might seem to start a new fitness routine, but we are here for you in Carlisle, PA. Our family sweats together, laughs together and encourages each other along this journey. Our youngest member is in their teen years and our oldest member is in their 70s. Our community is diverse, but what unites us is our support for each other's goals.

We are proud to feature our athletes who overcame many challenges on their journeys of becoming healthier and fitter versions of themselves.

We are proud of their hard work and dedication.

They chose the road less traveled and it paid off! 



Rob Williams 


Rob came to Two Roads in Summer 2017 and he committed to hard work & eating healthy day after day.

His incredible transformation story, discipline & determination is inspiring us all.

From Rob: "Nobody does this alone, I am grateful for each and every member of the Two Roads family that inspires me on a daily basis 👍"


Sarah Wakefield 

"Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out." - Robert Collier. 

Sarah has been a big part of our community ever since we opened our doors for the first time, if not earlier! She's worked so hard over the past 1.5 years and her commitment to a healthier and fitter self shows! 

From Sarah. "CrossFit is a way of life. You eat well, you train hard, you push yourself. It teaches you so much about yourself." - Ben Smith. I love this quote by Ben Smith because it's all true, but the part that resonates with me the most is "it teaches you so much about yourself". CrossFit for me is more than a physical change, but a mental change as well. The reason I am at where I am now is because of the change in how I view myself and what my body can do, and I can't thank CrossFit and the Two Roads community enough for that ❤️".

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Leah Wright

Consistency and discipline day after day bring results. Leah has been working hard on her movement and nutrition and the results show! Big goals are accomplished with dedication and effort, and not short term fixes. We are all so proud of you, Leah!

From Leah: "On my journey of health and wellness I’ve discovered that it is important for me to be challenged and encouraged; that is exactly what I have found at TwoRoads. I love CrossFit because of the variety, the focus on overall health and the community, which is comprised of our knowledgeable coaches and my fellow members. Regardless of your fitness level there is always something you can work on, and consequently constant motivation and opportunities to celebrate your success.

It is true that a journey starts with a single step. I am rewarded everyday that I choose to step through the doors of Two Roads because I become stronger, both mentally and physically, than the day before."